Possessing a degree from a culinary arts school will be very beneficial to your career even if you are just starting out. As with most other professions it is very competitive especially for the food service industry. Education from a reputable school is crucial to your success.
The goal of many culinary school degrees and the students that go there is to get a career in culinary. That's the bottom line, if the culinary school cannot guarantee or even help assist getting a career in the food service sector then find another. Keep your options open. This is your money and your money must be spent well in order to further your career as a chef, saucier chef, culinary person or any other profession related to this field. It does not matter what the actual level of service or career field is the point is that a degree from the culinary arts school must be taken seriously as the cost can be expensive.
The goal of many culinary school degrees and the students that go there is to get a career in culinary. That's the bottom line, if the culinary school cannot guarantee or even help assist getting a career in the food service sector then find another. Keep your options open. This is your money and your money must be spent well in order to further your career as a chef, saucier chef, culinary person or any other profession related to this field. It does not matter what the actual level of service or career field is the point is that a degree from the culinary arts school must be taken seriously as the cost can be expensive.